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Standards-Based Report Cards

Informational Video (English)

Informational Video (Spanish)

This year, students in TK - 6th grade will be transitioning to a new report card known as Standards-Based Report Cards! This change is important as it supports our mission of providing every student with an equitable opportunity to learn and be successful, no matter who they are or where they go to school.

Over the past three years, the Manteca Unified Reporting Committee made up of teachers, principals, and district administrators, worked together to develop the new standards-based reporting system. As part of our process, the new report cards were tested in selected classrooms across the district during the 2023-2024 school year. Known as a pilot program, it included about 3,200 families and 110 TK-6 teachers who adopted the system early.

We are thrilled to fully implement across the district this school year!

Family Information Night Presentation

Report Card Examples & Family Guides

Why Standards-Based Report Cards? 

The traditional grading system, which uses letter grades from A-F, can sometimes leave out important details, such as understanding your child’s academic strengths, or how your child can improve. Traditional grading focuses on several scores from tests and assignments but does not tell parents which skills their child has mastered. For example, reporting that a student earned a "C" in math does not help a student or their parents know what they can or cannot do. 

Our new report card provides clear communication about the exact learning goals students are expected to achieve in their grade level. For example, it’s much clearer to report that a student earned a “Proficient” mark in multiplying and dividing fractions.  

In other words, instead of focusing on percentages or points, standards-based reporting focuses on how well your child understands the material versus their ability to earn points.

With the new report cards, we believe that your understanding of what is expected of your child and how well they are progressing is very important. This clarity will help parents and caretakers to support their child's learning more effectively. 

MUSD TK-6 Proficiency Scale

Teachers will use the following proficiency scale marks and descriptions on the report card to communicate student progress toward meeting essential grade level standards for all subject areas.

Exceeded (EX)

This means that a student has a deep understanding of the standard. They have demonstrated key  concepts and skills independently and can apply their knowledge to new and more complex situations.  They can explain their thinking and reasoning.

 "I really get it and can teach others how to do it too!"

Proficient (PR)

A student is proficient when they have a complete understanding of the standard. They can demonstrate understanding of key skills and academic vocabulary all on their own. They are ready to extend their understanding.

"I can do it on my own!"

Approaching (AP)

When a student is approaching, they are getting close to meeting the standard but still need a bit of support to get all the way there. They can demonstrate their understanding of simpler skills independently. They may still need teacher support and extra practice to become confident with the standard.

"I get some of it and I'm starting to do more and more on my own." 

Beginning (BE)

Beginning marks mean that a student is just starting to demonstrate understanding of the standard. They still need a lot of support and reteaching for the simple parts. Remember that this is not meant to be a bad grade, this simply tells us the areas where a student needs more help to reach grade-level standards.

"I'm just getting started and learn best with help."

More on Standards-Based Report Cards

Frequently Asked Questions