2024-25 District Budget
In Manteca Unified, our philosophy is to invest in education.
We have carefully created a culture that is rooted in putting students first, investing in programs, opportunities, and resources that will improve a child’s educational experience. Our top priority is for each student to work toward grade-level standards, feel safe, and achieve individual success through equitable access. This is not merely our vision statement, but the foundation of our collective culture and a guiding principle for decision-making.
To work toward this vision, MUSD has developed a globally recognized balanced budget, read more on our rating here.
Driven by a collective commitment to make sure every dollar has a purpose, a job, and a goal, we carefully plan to ensure EVERY student has the tools, teachers, resources, classrooms, and facilities they need to succeed.
Budget Reports
The 2023-24 First Interim Budget Report for the Manteca Unified School District was prepared and submitted to the Board of Trustees for adoption prior to submission to the San Joaquin County Office of Education by December 14, 2022. The budget documents demonstrate that the District will maintain reserve balances at or above the 3% minimum state standard requirement necessary for positive certification.”
2022-23 Second Interim Budget Report
Each school district is required to certify its financial condition twice during the fiscal year. The Second Interim Report represents the District’s second official revision to the Final Adopted Budget and includes actual financial data with revised projections for the remainder of the fiscal year.
Unaudited actuals are annual financial statements that report the actual money spent throughout a fiscal year.
The American Rescue Plan (ARP) Act of 2021, Public Law 117-2, was enacted on March 11, 2021. The ARP Act provides additional funding for school districts to respond to the COVID-19 pandemic. The Education portion of ARP is known as the Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief (ESSER III or ARP ESSER) Fund. The purpose of the ESSER III fund is to support the safe reopening and sustaining safe operations of schools while meeting students' academic, social, emotional, and mental health needs resulting from the COVID-19 pandemic.
Each district was required to consult with local stakeholders to create a plan for how it would use ESSER III funds, and then to post that plan on its public website.
Other Reports
Planning & Budgeting: Funding the Future in Local Education
Learn how Manteca Unified schools are funded and how we modernize and build facilities that allow us to provide equitable access to quality education and services by clicking the links below!
Read the "Planning & Budgeting" Handbook
Visit our Youtube page to see "How Public Schools are Funded in California"
Prop 28 - Arts & Music in Our Schools
Proposition 28—also known as the Arts and Music in Schools Funding Guarantee and Accountability Act—was approved by California voters in November 2022. This measure requires the state to establish an ongoing program supporting arts instruction in public schools.
View the Board Approved Proposition 28: Ats and Music in Schools Funding Annual Report