Design & Construction
Design & Construction
In Manteca Unified, it’s our vision to ensure every student works to achieve grade level standards, feels safe, and is supported to realize individual success.
The Design and Construction efforts of the Facilities & Operations Department are aligned with this vision. Our facility program is committed to constructing safe, dynamic and flexible spaces that support our community’s current and future educational needs of each campus.
The mission of the Facilities Team centers on the implementation of projects identified by the 2014 Facilities Master Plan and 2019 Facilities Needs Assessment. This forms the core information which comprises the five-to-ten-year Facility Program. Projects within this plan are designed following a detailed analysis of facility needs within an engaging planning effort at the beginning of each project. Those needs are prioritized by safety, major and deferred maintenance, modernization upgrades, code compliance, parity and new construction. In addition, facility needs are also aligned with enrollment projections annually to create efficient projects that modernize our schools and embrace the growth of our community.