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Dedicated Facility Funding

Community Facilities Districts (CFDs)  

One of Manteca Unified School District’s core objectives is to work with the community, staff, and the Board to maintain a fiscally sound budget.

Community Facilities Districts (CFDs) are one of the crucial components for generating enough funding to ensure a fiscally sound budget for school facility construction and maintenance. Sometimes referred to as Mello-Roos taxes, these CFDs are always established by property owners as part of the public process for forming CFDs. CFDs are the funding mechanism the District has historically relied on to help build new student classrooms and facilities as a result of the impact of growth.

Manteca Unified School District reviews all new development proposals within the District boundaries. Through this review process, the District works closely with local agencies, property owners and residential developers to explain the level of financial commitment that will be required for the proposed development to mitigate their impact to school facilities.

The financial support required is well beyond the State mandated Level 1 or Level 2 Developer Fees. In order to address and support our incoming students with adequate classroom capacity and facilities, the District has been successful in using a combination of CFDs (Mello-Roos Taxes) and Mitigation Agreements.

The money generated through the mitigation program is critically required by the District for new facility construction, adding capacity, and replacing interim solutions at existing sites. Without participation in the District School Facilities Mitigation Program, the District would be unable to provide adequate facilities to house the students generated by new construction activity. A residential development proposal interested in gaining District support shall participate in this Program.

Additional Home buyer explanation

a house attached to a key

When purchasing a home, buyers receive pre-sale disclosure of CFD Taxes and are required to sign a separate Mello-Roos Taxes disclosure statement. This disclosure statement clearly defines the details, requirements and terms of the Mello-Roos Taxes. This document must be signed at least 3 days prior to any closing documents for the sale of the home.

Download our Flyer - CFDs Explained!

For more information on CFDs. click here.

General Obligation Bonds

A general obligation bond (GO) is one method a school district may use to borrow money for construction projects. GOs provide a potential funding source for new facilities, classroom and building renovations and modernizations and a means of funding 21st Century learning technology infrastructure and tools. 

Facilites News