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Grade Level Standards

Students attentively sitting at their desks

Where we’re going — Goals and Objectives

Our Board of Education’s philosophy, characterized through District vision and goals, is singular in focus: to meet student specific needs. Student need is what has driven our collective work over the past four years. The on-going goals, referred to as “Targets” in MUSD, are widespread in District culture: 

  • Grade level standards (GLS) — Deliver effective, differentiated instruction aligned to state standards so that all students may work to achieve in their unique educational pathway.
  • Safety — Students learn in a safe environment inclusive of design, security, and climate.
  • Emerging students — Through smart actions and decisions, MUSD will work together to use meaningful and measurable data to engage and accelerate individual learning plans. 

Each year, MUSD leadership performs an in-depth analysis to identify current need and determine objectives to meet those needs aligned with each Board goal, aka “Target”. It is our staff mission to improve systems and structures through continued analysis and refinement of practices.   

This page aims to explain current year objectives aligned to the Grade Level Standards and Emerging Students goal and our strategies to get there. We are deeply committed to our Board’s vision which sees every student in Manteca Unified working to achieve grade level standards, feeling safe, and supported to realize individual success.  

This in no way encompasses every objective through every lens, however, aims to communicate key objectives that speak to great priority, a collective purpose, and involve increasing resources.  

We know every student learns differently and requires a unique educational pathway. As educators, we have a responsibility to our students to assess what they are presently able to do, identify learning barriers, and teach to their individual focus areas for growth.  

With the arrival of new or expanded state mandated services, programs, and requirements, new categorically funded administration has become required to develop and oversee the fidelity in MUSD to best serve students. The objectives below encompass these programs and our strategies to implement them.