Expanded Learning Opportunities 9-Hour Day Program
Expanded Learning Opportunities 9hr. Day Program is facilitated in partnership with Give Every Child a Chance (GECAC) after school at all MUSD school sites and before school at identified sites. The 9hr Day Program focus' on developing the academic, social, emotional and physical needs and interests of MUSD students through hands-on, engaging learning experience. It is the intent of the legislature that Expanded Learning programs are student- centered, results driven, include community partners and compliment, but do not replicate learning activities in the regular school day and school year. As the goal is to provide service to all students who express interest, priority enrollment is given to UTK- 6th grade students with identified needs.
Students attend the 9hr. day program at their home school site.
Hours of Operation
Before School: 6:00am - Beginning of School
After School: After school - 6:00pm
Programming Includes
If interested in attending both before and after school, you must express interest in enrollment for each (Before school program and After school program). To express interest in enrollment for the 9hr. Day Program for your UTK - 6th grade student click below. After you have filled out your interest form(s), you will receive an email with your child's enrollment status.
9-Hour Day Before School Program
9- Hour Day After School Program
For Specific Program Info Contact GECAC: (209) 825 - 7003