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Many school buses in a parking lot

Register for Transportation!

To receive transportation, your child must be eligible for services as outlined in Board Policy 3540:

  • Elementary school students who live outside of a 1.25-mile walking distance* from their school of residence
  • High school students who live outside of a 2.5-mile walking distance* from their school of residence
  • Students who have been identified for transportation services through an Individualized Education Plan (IEP) and/or McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act

*Distance is measured in air miles

To register, please complete a School Bus Registration form and turn it in to your child’s school. To ensure your child is eligible for transportation, please review their school’s No Bus Zone map here prior to submitting a registration form.

Once your registration form is turned in and approved, MUSD’s Transportation Department will include your child in a bus route and issue them a Z-Pass Rider card.

School Bus Registration Form

Contact Us!

Main Line

(209) 825-3200 ext 50444

Fog Line

(209) 858-0800

No-BUS Zones

To ensure your child is eligible for transportation, please review their school's No-Bus Zone map.


No-Bus Zone Maps


MUSD takes road safety seriously. Z-Pass is an electronic bus pass and location tracking app that allows you to keep tabs on your child's transportation. Z-Pass instantly gives you the time and location your child enters and exits their school bus. Have comfort knowing your child is safe.  

Download the Z-Pass Instructions


Transportation Safety Plan

The California Department of Education, in compliance with EC 39831.3, requires the District Office and all school sites to have a Transportation Safety Plan available for view at all times. A Transportation Safety Plan provides District employees, families, and students with procedures and guidelines to ensure the safe transportation of students. Our Director of Transport, Julie Fannin, has put together a plan for our District which addresses all the required information listed in the Education Code which you can download below.

Download the Transportation Safety Plan


More About: School Bus Safety