Certificated Employees
- Welcome
- Leaves and Absences
- Salary Schedule & Advancement
- Important Documents & Links
- AB 2534 Verifications
MUSD's Certificated Human Resources Personnel are dedicated to supporting certificated employees!
Contact Us
Human Resources - District Office
2271 W. Louise Ave.
Manteca, CA 95337
Office Hours: Monday - Friday 8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
Contact us at (209) 858-0860
AB 2534 Verifications
As of January 1, 2025, in accordance with Education Code section 44939.5 (as amended by California AB2534) applicants for certificated positions are required by law to provide a complete list of every school district, county office of education, charter school and/or state special school with which you have previously been employed, regardless of the length of service. To submit/request an AB 2534 verification, please email AB2534verifications@musd.net.
Leaves and Absences
Important Information:
The employee taking a leave of absence should notify the District as soon as possible but
(unless there is an emergency or sudden illness) no later than 120 minutes before the
instructional day starts. This allows the District time to find a substitute. When reporting
the absence, the employee should also include an estimate of the duration of the absence. -
Substitute services will not be retained for the day following the original absence unless the
employee notifies the site secretary one hour prior to the end of the normal instructional day. -
If an employee knows about an upcoming absence due to surgery, maternity, or other
predictable/scheduled cause, she/he should notify the site administrator as soon as possible.
The District may request a physician's statement. -
Once the employee returns to work, she/he should complete the District absence form and
submit it to her/his immediate supervisor.
*For information on other types of leaves, please refer to the Master Agreement.
*For any additional questions, contact Celina Perez in Human Resources.
Sick Leave
- Certificated employees are allocated ten days of sick leave at the beginning of each school year.
- Illnesses that are 5 days or longer require a doctor's note. An original doctor's note is required unless faxed directly from the doctor's office.
- Except for emergencies, you need to enter your absence in Frontline no later than two hours before the instructional day.
Personal Leave
Personal leave can be used for:
- Car broke down
- Appointment with service tech for your home
- Taking care of an immediate family member
- Court appointments not district related
Personal leave cannot be used for recreation, gainful employment, association activities, work stoppage, or for additional income.
Minimum Days
Minimum days are for students. Certificated employees are expected to work their normal hours. If you are going to be absent a full day, you need to report a full day's absence, regardless of whether you need a substitute or not.
Bereavement/Imminent Death Leave
Employees may use three days of bereavement leave for an immediate family member. If you have to travel 250 miles or more, you may use five days for bereavement. Bereavement leave is not deducted from your sick leave account. If an immediate family member's death is imminent, an employee may take three days Imminent Death Leave. This leave must be followed by Bereavement Leave.
Immediate Family
Immediate family members are mother, father, stepmother, stepfather, stepchildren, grandmother, grandfather, or a grandchild of the unit member or of the spouse of the unit member, and the spouse, son, son-in-law, daughter, daughter-in-law, brother, or sister of the unit member, or any relative living in the immediate household of the unit member. Aunts, uncles, cousins, etc. are not considered immediate family members.
Worker's Compensation
All Worker's Compensation absences must be entered into Frontline. Including appointments before and after student arrival/dismissal.
Salary Schedule & Advancement
Salary Schedule & Benefits
MUSD accepts up to 21 years of service on the salary schedule. Salary advancement is based on contracted years of service and post baccalaureate semester units and degrees.
Salary Placement for Unit Members Without Credentials
Unit members hired without a preliminary credential will be placed at A-1 on the adopted salary schedule and will remain at that step until a preliminary credential is obtained. When the unit member provides the District with documentation showing that a preliminary credential has been obtained, the employee’s salary placement will be revised to give full credit for accepted years of experience and units of professional growth. The unit member’s compensation for this new placement is not retroactive.
For Salary Advancement
Submit the Following Course and/or Program Approval Form(s) to Angelina Archibald in Human Resources
- In order for units to count toward salary advancement, all courses must be pre-approved prior to enrollment.
- Course Approval Forms are to be used for individual classes.
- Program Approval Forms are to be used for degree programs, such as Master's Degrees, etc.
- Coursework for salary advancement must be completed by AUGUST 31 of the current school year.
- Official transcripts must be received in the Human Resources Department on or before NOVEMBER 1 of each year to receive credit.
- Failure to meet timeline: Acceptable coursework taken without prior approval will be subject to a one-year delay in salary advancement credit.
Important Documents & Links
AB 2534 Verifications
AB 2534 Verifications
As of January 1, 2025, in accordance with Education Code section 44939.5 (as amended by California AB2534) applicants for certificated positions are required by law to provide a complete list of every school district, county office of education, charter school and/or state special school with which you have previously been employed, regardless of the length of service. To submit/request an AB 2534 verification, please email AB2534verifications@musd.net.